Saturday, October 19, 2013

Great candida yeast infection diet advice

Great Candida Yeast Infection Diet Advice

First of all, whenever debating the candida diet subject, we should all be aware of what exactly Candida is. Well, Candida is a yeast infection, meaning a type of fungus. The human body is populated with many types of benign Candida which plays an important role for the immune system.

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First of all, whenever debating the candida diet subject, we should all be aware of what exactly Candida is. Well, Candida is a yeast infection, meaning a type of fungus. The human body is populated with many types of benign Candida which plays an important role for the immune system. But sometimes, in certain conditions and due to some factors, this Candida yeast is multiplying and is causing an infection of the mouth, intestines, vagina, and skin and even of the entire body. The most common type of Candida yeast is Candida albicans and this infection is called candidiasis.

The Candida yeast infection has certain symptoms which may cause complications like bladder infections, loss of energy, puffy eyes, constant fatigue, strange food cravings, hay fever allergies, hyperactivity, and inflammation, annoying itching, migraine, unpleasant mouth infections and rashes sore throat and thyroid problems.

If you are experiencing any of these comp


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